
November 1, 2023
12:00PM - 1:00PM EST

Michigan Medicaid - What you need to know. 1.0 - CEU

Hosted by West Michigan Chapter

Conference Call / Webinar

Speaker: Nicole Salva - Provider Analyst

Webinar Description:

Michigan Medicaid will review:

·       Steps to follow to bill a Medicaid beneficiary.

·       Provider manual review

·       Requirements on notifying a patient for non-covered services or non-covered provider.

·       Medicaid requirements for billing when a patient has an auto or work comp claim.

·       TPL- (Third party liability) How to update


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This program has the prior approval of AAPC for 1.0 continuing education hour. Granting of prior approval in no way constitutes endorsement by AAPC of the program content or the program sponsor.

Members are free. Non-Member fee is $100.00. Non-Member fees are non-refundable. Members may be subject to a $15 cancellation/no show fee with face-to-face meetings, if you do not cancel your reservation at (855) 360-3401, 48 hours before the event.

Thank you EZClaim for sponsoring our webinars!  


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